think on your feet - to think and react quickly, having good answers ready, a snap decision - a decision made hastily, recklessly, or without careful consideration, flip a coin - to decide something by throwing a coin up in the air and seeing which side is shown after it lands, a make-or-break decision - a decision that is very important because it can make something succeed or fail completely, a no-stakes decision - a minor decision which is not important and will be forgotten in a few hours , be in two minds - be undecided or unsure about what to do, mull over something - think carefully before making a decision, take the plunge - to make a decision to do something, especially after thinking about it for a long time, fish or cut bait - used to tell someone to take action or to stop saying that they will, be on the fence - you’re in the middle, between one side and the other, not sure about what to choose, go for something - take hold of the opportunity when it presents itself, a toss-up - the tossing of a coin to make a decision between two alternatives, a hasty or rash decision - a decision made lacking careful thought or consideration, a flip-flop - a sudden and complete change of plans or opinion,

Decision making vocabulary

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