1) Fun or entertainment a) Large-scale b) ​Ride c) Imagine d) Amusement 2) Taking up a big area a) Plastic b) Large-scale c) Pharaoh d) Imagine 3) Something like a roller coaster or merry-go-round at an amusement park a) Amusement b) Bright c) ​Ride d) Large-scale 4) Shining or having lots of light a) Amusement b) Large-scale c) Bright d) Imagine 5) A ruler or person with power a) Amusement b) ​Ride c) Large-scale d) Pharaoh 6) An easily shaped material used to make containers and bottles a) Plastic b) Amusement c) Imagine d) Large-scale 7) To form a picture or idea in your mind a) ​Ride b) Pharaoh c) Imagine d) Large-scale

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