to try and tell the future - predict , put your money in order to make a profit - invest , hold something - possess , throw someone from his home - evict , a person who invest money in order to earn more - investor , making or losing money - economics , to make more - increase , the worth of an item - value , how much money? - budget , influence - impact , certain - confident , hopeless - desperate , whole - entire , have no money - penniless , huge - tremendous, have no job - unemployed, have enough money - established , a place where you invest - stock market, lose all your money - go bankrupt, take money from the ATM\bank - withdraw money, crisis - financial crisis, there is an increase of people without jobs - unemployment rate, the best time during one's period - reach a peak, people who want to work - labor force, a person without any skills - unskilled worker, join the group - join the ranks of, make your own living - support oneself, shut down - go out of business, buy something pay later - buy on credit, lose your job - lose one's livlihood,

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