1) I take pictures. a) I am a postman/postwoman. b) I am a pharmacist. c) I am a photographer. 2) I deliver mail to people. a) I am a postman/postwoman. b) I am a police officer. c) I am a student. 3) I work on ships and boats. a) I am a manager. b) I am a teacher. c) I am a sailor. 4) I manage people and tell them what to do. a) I am a pilot. b) I am a manager. c) I am a police officer. 5) I play musical instruments. a) I am a salesperson. b) I am a musician. c) I am a manager. 6) I give people medicine. a) I am a pharmacist. b) I am a soldier. c) I am a salesperson. 7) I fly planes. a) I am a pilot. b) I am a salesperson. c) I am a soldier. 8) I fight crime and arrest criminals. a) I am a student. b) I am a police officer. c) I am a shop assistant. 9) I sell things to people. a) I am a real-estate agent. b) I am a salesperson. c) I am a student. 10) I carry out experiments and work in a laboratory. a) I am a soldier. b) I am a pharmacist. c) I am a scientist. 11) I study and go to school/university. a) I am a student. b) I am a soldier. c) I am a real-estate agent. 12) I cut and sew fabric to make and repair clothes. a) I am a sailor. b) I am a tailor. c) I am a manager. 13) I teach people and work in a classroom. a) I am a surgeon. b) I am a scientist. c) I am a teacher. 14) I serve food and work at a restaurant or café. a) I am a police officer. b) I am a waiter/waitress. c) I am a salesperson. 15) I help people in shops. a) I am a real-estate agent. b) I am a musician. c) I am a shop assistant. 16) I work in the army. a) I am a waiter/waitress. b) I am a soldier. c) I am a surgeon. 17) I perform operations. a) I am a sailor. b) I am a surgeon. c) I am a teacher. 18) I look after animals. a) I am a shop assistant. b) I am a real-estate agent. c) I am a vet. 19) I sell and rent buildings and houses to people. a) I am a real-estate agent. b) I am a vet. c) I am an engineer. 20) I buy and sell things. a) I am a surgeon. b) I am a businessman. c) I am a photographer. 21) I fix and repair electrical items. a) I am a manager. b) I am a plumber. c) I am an electrician. 22) I fix and repair water pipes. a) I am a plumber. b) I am an electrician. c) I am a waiter. 23) I look after other people's children. a) I am a scientist. b) I am a nanny/babysitter. c) I am a photographer. 24) I stop people from stealing in shops and buildings. a) I am a nanny/babysitter. b) I am a pilot. c) I am a security guard. 25) I play professional football. a) I am a footballer. b) I am a musician. c) I am a security guard.

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