The cartoonist is David Low who is clearly opposed to the appeasement of Adolf Hitler, The cartoon's title is "Stepping Stones to Glory, " a reference to Hitler who is shown in the cartoon, Here is Hitler "goose stepping" up what would be a red carpet if it were shown in color., Hitler is shown to have completed one step - the rearmament of Germany which was technically not allowed under the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler has also taken the second step of putting German troops back into the Rhineland, which was also against the Treaty of Versailles, Hitler's third specified step is taking the international city of Danzig on the Baltic Sea. That will not in fact happen until 1939 when Germany invades Poland , Hitler is able to take these steps that contravene the Treaty of Versailles because of what the cartoonist sees as the spineless leaders of democracy who do nothing to stop Hitler, The democracies led by Britain and France are shown to be so weak that Hitler is able to "cock a snook" at them, The cartoonist is trying to shame the leaders of the democracies into action by saying that Hitler's ultimate goal is to take the rest of the world..

David Low's "Stepping Stones to Glory" cartoon


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