1) A Bear sleeps in the winter, for months and wake up in summer again. How do we call it?  a) behavioral adaptation b) structural adaptation  2) A chipmunk sleeps in the winter, for months and wake up in summer again. How do we call it? a) behavioral adaptation b) structural adaptation 3) Whales travel up to 18,840 kilometers every year between cold polar waters to tropical waters. a) behavioral adaptation b) structural adaptation 4) Duck's webbed feet are like that so they are able to swim and walk. a) behavioral adaptation b) stractural adaptation 5) Herbivore, carnivore and omnivore have different teeth according to what they eat. a) behavioral adaptation b) stractural adaptation 6) Cactuses' wide and deep roots absorb rainwater on the surface and reach the underground deep water. a) behavioral adaptation b) stractural adaptation 7) Camouflage helps organism to blend (hide) themselves in the habitat. a) behavioral adapttion b) structural adaptation

Behavioral x Structural adaptation

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