1) Where did the Anglo-Saxons come from? a) Denmark, North Germany and the Netherlands b) Sweden, Norway and France c) Ireland, Belgium and the USA d) Italy, Spain and Portugal 2) What is a settlement? a) A place where people live b) A place where people work c) Both a and b d) A place where a fight would happen 3) What does the 'burn' at the end of Wooburn mean, from Anglo-Saxon? a) Farm b) Village c) Stream d) Open Land 4) What were Anglo-Saxon houses made from? a) Bricks b) Straw c) Wood d) Glass 5) Who was the Anglo-Saxon Pagan God of War? a) Tiw b) Eostre c) Thunor d) Woden e) Frige 6) What were Saxon Kings usually buried with? a) Nothing b) Coins, gold and weapons c) A picture of themself d) Their crown 7) Why did St. Augustine come in 597AD? a) To build villages b) To teach the Anglo-Saxons about Christianity c) To teach the people how to wash d) To invade Britain 8) What did King Offa of Mercia build to stop the Welsh attacking? a) A ditch b) A wall c) A barrier d) A trench 9) Where did the Vikings come from? a) The USA b) Normandy c) Africa d) Denmark, Sweden and Norway 10) What were the Vikings boats called? a) Longships b) Vikingships c) Canoes d) Dragonboats 11) Where did the Vikings invade? a) London b) Lincoln c) Lindisfarne d) Landsfarm 12) Why is the King of Wessex known as Alfred the Great? a) He invaded Norway b) He defeated the Anglo-Saxons and created Wessex c) He defeated the Vikings and created the Danelaw d) He defeated the Normans and created the Danelaw 13) Which two cities are in the Danelaw? a) London and Chester b) Chester and York c) York and London d) Cardiff and Edinburgh 14) Where are Cowrie Shells from? a) The Red Sea b) The Indian Ocean c) The Atlantic Ocean d) The Pacific Ocean e) The Arctic Ocean 15) What was important in Jorvik? a) Trade b) Crafts c) Style d) Blacksmiths e) All of the above f) Fighting 16) Whose death led to a fight for power in Britain in 1066? a) Sweyn b) Edgar the Peaceful c) Harthacanute d) Canute e) Edward the Confessor 17) Where was William the Conqueror, the man who invaded Britain in 1066, from? a) Northern Italy b) Normandy, France c) Cardiff, Wales d) Washington, USA e) Dublin, Ireland f) Gdansk, Poland 18) What is the national emblem of Scotland? a) the red rose b) the daffodil c) the thistle d) the shamrock 19) What does Bayeux Tapestry show? a) the events that led to the Battle of Hastings b) the death of king Harold c) the events that led to the Battle of Hastings and the death of king Harold d) the battles against Saxons and the death of Alfred the Great

Anglo-Saxons and Vikings

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