To own my own business here in Canada will take a lot a planning and a lot of hard work. - You still have a long way to go., I saw your son playing soccer last week. He played excellently. - He's definitely got what it takes., Sarah's new coffee shop opened last week. - It's great to see her finally get it off the ground., After immigrating 20 years ago, Pavel's family seem really happy here. - They seem to be doing really well for themselves., It took longer than I expected, but I finally got accepted into VCC to do an accounting course. - Congratulation! Better late, than never., Lisa's family is moving to Alberta in the summer. Her husband got a new job. - That's exciting. I wish them the best of luck., Han completed a diploma in computer science last year. - Well he certainly used it to good effect. I heard that he's just been hired by EA., Jean won an award for employee of the month. She only been working there for three months. - That's great. She must be really making her mark on the company.,

Success Idioms: LINC 5 review

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