A ____ is an organisation that provides goods and/or services in return for payment. Physical products that can be made or processed are called ____. The ____ is a person who buys the company’s goods or services. ____ are products that are not physical, eg logistics, professional services, advice or support. ____ is operating successfully without ____ money, time or resources. The term ____ includes anyone with an interest in how a company performs or is affected by the company's activities. ____ is the the amount of money a company receives minus its running/manufacturing costs. Profit is used for: ____ - Money is saved in case the company needs extra money in the future. ____ - If the company has shareholders they can be given a portion of the profit. ____ - The company uses some profit to conduct research and development ____ - Upgrading tools and machinery ____ - Some employees may be given part of the profit ____ is the amount of money a company receives from ____ its products or services. ____ are incurred by raw materials, tools and machinery, overheads, wages and sales and marketing. A customer is anyone who buys goods (products) or services from a company. ____ customers are based within a business’s geographical area where selling the goods or services might be a case of word of mouth or local ____ ____ customers are within the borders of the company’s country. National companies might promote their business using national media. ____ customers can be located anywhere in the world where advertising and selling is made easier by use of the ____ and social media The process of developing new products requires ____ which can be: ____ eg smartscreen or the development of new batteries to power electric cars. ____ eg music streaming subscriptions in place of purchasing CDs. ____ eg Ford’s first factory assembly lines, or Toyota’s lean manufacturing. If there is only one company, then that company is said to have a ____. An example would be a ____ (nationalised) service such as a ____. Other companies providing the same products or services are called ____ or competition. ____ research activities (____, ____ groups, etc) are used to uncover customer ____ and needs, which help ____ and ____ (R&D) departments to design products that meet ____ requirements. ____ and marketing activities promote the products to target customer groups, focusing on the features that satisfy their wants and ____.

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