1) Don’t be late.The film ……. at 8:00 pm. a) is starting b) will start c) starts 2) The plane took off ten minutes after the last passenger had …. it. a) caught b) booked c) boarded 3) This picture ….. at the beginning of the century. a) was painted b) had painted c) painted 4) Look at Martha’s expression. She …… screaming any minute now! a) is starting b) is going to start c) will start 5) Lisa ….. have cooked this delicious meal. She doesn’t even know how to boil an egg ! a) mustn’t b) shouldn’t c) can’t 6) Dan’s health has really …. ever since he stopped eating junk food. a) developed b) increased c) improved 7) Nathan is ….. selfish to care about what others think of him. a) very b) too c) enough 8) We …. half the rubbish on the beach by the time Jeff arrived. a) have cleaned up  b) had cleaned up c) had been cleaning up 9) Ben tells the ….. jokes I’ve ever heard. a) funnier b) funniest c) most funny 10) When his mother asked him if he knew anything about the broken window, he just ….. his shoulders and said nothing. a) crossed b) clenched c) shrugged 11) Gary didn’t mean …. you. He was just in a bad mood. a) hurt b) hurting c) to hurt 12) Anne asked her new classmate where ....... from. a) did he come b) he came c) does he come 13) Make sure you wear a hat when you’re out in the ....... weather. a) steaming b) boiling c) baking 14) If Frank ....... us, we wouldn’t have finished the project on time. a) wouldn’t help b) didn’t help c) hadn't helped 15) We.......for three hours before we decided to take a break. a) must be trekking  b) had been trekking c) have been trekking 16) A good way to ....... a problem is to think about it calmly and carefully. a) win b) beat c) gain 17) After living in London for a few months, Emma finally...... driving on the left. a) used to b) got used to c) was used to 18) It …. like the bus is running late. Let’s catch a taxi. a) is looking b) has looked c) looks 19) ….. Bob gets paid soon, he will not be able to pay his bills. a) If b) Unless c) When 20) There was thick black ..... coming out of the burning building. a) fog b) smoke c) smog 21) Mark said that he ....... a great time in London the previous summer. a) had had b) would have c) has had 22) Michael must .... on the phone. I’ve tried calling him but his line is busy. a) have talked  b) be talking c) talk 23) What time does the train ...... Bristol? a) arrive b) get c) reach 24) Neither Annabel …. Sue has ever flown in a plane. a) or b) and c) nor 25) Mr Adams speaks ...... than anyone I know. a) slower b) more slowly c) the most slowly 26) Sue wanted to change the appearance of her living room, so she … by a professional interior designer a) decorated it  b) had it decorated c) had decorated it 27) John says that when he was a student, maths …. his least favourite subject. a) were b) has been c) was 28) My mum says she’ll never forget .... my dad for the first time. a) to meet b) she met c) meeting 29) The burning of fossil fuels has a bad ..... on our environment. a) drawback b) impact c) fault 30) Mum advised me ..... the heavy box up the stairs. a) not to carry b) to not carry c) don’t carry

8 Spotlight Exit test (1-30)

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