Age - 18-65 (employment), Ancestry - Family history, Citizenship - Membership in a state (PR/Citizen, etc.), Colour - Skin tone associated with race, Creed - Religion or faith, Disability - A physical or mental impairment, Ethnic origin - Cultural background, Family status - Parent/child, Gender expression - Clothing choices related to male/female. , Gender identity - A person's sense of self, different to biological state , Marital status - Married/Common-law/Divorced, Place of origin - Country or region, Race - Common descent or physical features such as skin colour, hair, facial characteristics, etc. , Receipt of public assistance - Getting benefits or welfare from the government, Record of offences - Provincial law infringements or pardoned law infringements (employment only), Sex - Man/Woman, Sexual orientation - LGBTQ+,

Prohibited grounds of descrimination

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