This reaction needs ____. Takes place in the ____. Light energy absorbed by photosynthetic ____ in the photosystems and converted to ____ energy. Light energy is used to add inorganic phosphate to ADP to form ____ And reduce NADP to form reduced NADP. ATP transfers energy and reduced NADP transfers hydrogen to the light independent reaction. During the process ____ is oxidised to ____. In the light-dependent reaction, the light energy absorbed by the ____ is used for three things: Making ATP from ADP and Pi – this is known as photophosphorylation. Making reduced NADPH from NADP Splitting water into ____ (H+ ions), electrons and oxygen. This is called photolysis. ____ Produces ATP, ____ NADP and O2. Photosystems in the thylakoid membranes are linked by electron carriers. Electron carriers are proteins that transfer electrons. The ____ and their electron carriers form an electron transport chain – a chain of proteins through which excited electrons flow. Light energy is absorbed by ____ Light energy excites electrons in chlorophyll. The electrons move to a higher energy level These high energy ____ move along the ____ to ____. Photolysis of water produces protons ( H+ ions), electrons and O2. As the excited electrons from chlorophyll leave PSII to move along the electron transport chain, they must be replaced. Light energy splits ____ into protons (H+ ions), electrons and oxygen H2O 2H+ + 1/2 O2 The excited electrons ____ energy as they move along the el____in. This energy is used to transport protons into the thylakoid so that the thylakoid has a higher concentration of protons than the stroma. This forms a proton gradient across the membrane. ____ move down their concentration gradient, into the ____, via an enzyme ATP synthase. The energy from this movement combines ADP and Pi to form ATP. Chemiosmosis is the name of the process where the movement of H+ ions across a membrane generates ____ – this also occurs in respiration. Light energy is absorbed by ____, which excites the electrons again to an even higher energy level. Finally, the electrons are transferred to NADP, along with a proton (H+ ion) from the stroma, to form reduced ____ ____ 1 Only uses PSI 2 ____ because the electrons used aren’t ____ to NADP, but passed back to PSI via electron carriers 3 Electrons ____ and used repeatedly to flow through ____ 4 Produces small amounts of ____

CX KS5 Light dependent reaction, missing words

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