unisex - made for any gender to use, inclusive - deliberately including many different people, things, or ideas, cropped - something that has been cut very short, wholesale - selling large quantities of goods, especially to people who are going to sell them in a shop, full price - sold at the regular price, arbitrary - not based on any particular plan or done for any specific reason, pricing model - a way to decide what prices to charge for a company’s products or services, affordable - inexpensive enough for ordinary people to be able to buy, mark up - increase the price of something to make more money from it, faux - artificial or fake, accessory - a small thing such as jewellery or shoes to give your clothes more style, ethos - the attitudes and beliefs that are typical of an organisation or a group of people, synonymous - If two things are __________, there is an extremely close connection between them so that you cannot think of one without also thinking of the other., working-class - relating to the social class of people without much money, education, or power a short sentence or phrase that expresses a belief or purpose , motto - a short sentence or phrase that expresses a belief or purpose,

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