pure substance - A sample of matter, either a single element or a single compound, that has definite chemical and physical properties, Mixture - material composed of two or more elements or compounds that are physically mixed together but not chemically combined, homogeneous - a mixture in which the composition is uniform throughout, heterogeneous - A mixture that is not uniform in composition; components are not evenly distributed throughout the mixture, magnetic - A characteristic of substances that are attracted to magnets., stirring rod - Glass or plastic rod used for stirring chemicals and decanting., residue - Solid remaining in a filter after filtration., Insoluble - Substance incapable of being dissolved., Bunsen burner - Piece of laboratory equipment used to heat substances, Heat proof mat - Heat resistant mat placed underneath a Bunsen burner during an experiment, Safety flame - This yellow flame is low heat and easy to see., tripod - a three-footed stand used to hold glassware above a Bunsen burner., Gauze mat - Placed on tripod to support glassware and spread heat evenly., Solution - A homogenous mixture that forms when one substance dissolves another., Solute - The substance that is dissolved into the solvent in a solution., Solvent - A liquid substance capable of dissolving other substances (solutes),

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