Nostalgic - a nostalgia for his college days., Retentive - She had an extremely retentive memory, read well, and evinced great love of reading., By Heart - y father can still recite the poems he learned by heart at school., Foggy - I remember going to that party, but the details are a bit foggy - I can't quite recall what we talked about or who else was there., Memory - Perks of having a bad memory part II: Everyday is Christmas when amazon brings you packages., Reminisce - People often reminisce about forks in life’s road, though it’s usually a metaphor., Mechanically - I can recite the alphabet mechanically without even thinking about it because I learned it so long ago - it's become almost automatic, like a muscle memory., Brain fog - Research has found that long COVID can cause brain fog and memory loss., Memoir - He tells Carlos that a memoir is on the way detailing the highs and lows of his NBA career., Jog your memory - I can't remember what I did with my keys yesterday, but maybe retracing my steps will jog my memory and help me remember where I put them., Memorial - The Queen of England places flowers every year at the war memorial in London to honour the soldiers who died in WWI and WWII., Mind Games - The political opponents were very careful not to show any weaknesses they were playing mind games with each other., Remember vs Remind - I remember going to the beach last summer - it was so relaxing and fun. /// Can you remind me to call my mom later? I don't want to forget., Your Memory Is Playing Tricks On You - I thought I remembered the exact words of the conversation we had, but now I’m not sure if my memory is playing tricks on me., Bear Something In Mind - When you’re making your travel plans, bear in mind that it’s hurricane season in that region during the summer months., Food For Thought - I never considered the environmental impact of fast fashion until I read that article. It gave me some serious food for thought., A Gut Reaction - When I first heard the news, my gut reaction was that it couldn’t be true., Lose The Plot - He was doing well in the game, but after a while, he lost the plot and started making silly mistakes., (To Be) Miles Away - I tried to get his attention, but he was miles away, lost in his own thoughts., Be In Two Minds - I’m in two minds about going on the trip – on one hand, I really want to go, but on the other hand, I’m not sure if I can afford it., Memory Like A Sieve - I can’t remember what I ate for breakfast this morning – my memory is like a sieve!, On The Tip Of Your Tongue - What’s the name of that actor? It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I just can’t remember it., Ring A Bell - The name of the song didn’t ring a bell, but as soon as I heard the first few notes, I remembered it., Rack Your Brain - I racked my brain all night trying to come up with a good idea for the project., Off The Top Of Your Head - How many people live in your city? I don’t know off the top of my head, but I think it’s around one million.,

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