chip in - contribute something as one's share of a joint activity, cost, etc., come across as - (of a person) appear or sound in a specified way; give a specified impression., cut back - reduce the amount or quantity of something, especially expenditures; do something less frequently or reduce one's consumption of something., fall out wtih (someone) - have an argument, fight off - defend oneself against an attack by someone or something; you succeed in getting rid of it and in not letting it overcome you, get by - manage with difficulty to live or accomplish something., go down with (BrE) / come down with (AmE) - begin to suffer from an illness, make up (with someone) - be reconciled after an argument, make up (something) - compensate for something lost, missed, or deficient, pick up - become better; improve, pick (someone) up - go somewhere to collect someone, typically in one's car., rip off - cheat someone, especially financially; to steal or plagiarize something, take to (someone) - form a liking for someone, dig in - start eating eagerly; inviting someone to start eating, and encouraging them to eat as much as they want, fill up - satisfy the hunger of someone., pick at - eat food in small amounts or without much appetite, run out - (of a supply of something) be used up., drop off - to take someone or something to a particular place, usually by car, as you travel to a different place, get around - to travel to a lot of places without diffculty, hold up - delay or block the movement or progress of someone or something., set off - begin a journey, cut off - interrupt someone while they are speaking, get (something) across - (of an idea) be communicated clearly, open up to (someone) - become more communicative or willing to tell someone about a secret or private matter and trust them not to repeat it to others., spell (something) out - to explain something in detail or in a very clear way,

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