Al - An element with 13 protons, K - An element with atomic number 19, 27 - Mass number of atom with 12 protons & 15 neutrons, 26 - What is the atomic number of this element, 10 - If mass number is 18 amu, how many neutrons does this atom have?, Ne - An element with 10 protons, Co - An element with atomic number 27, 15 - Mass number of atom with 7 protons and 8 neutrons, 5 - What is the atomic number of this element?, 24 - If mass number is 44 amu, how many neutrons does this atom have? , 3 - Assuming the atom is neutral in charge, how many electrons does this atom have, 38 - Assuming the atom is neutral in charge, how many electrons does this atom have?,

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