1) Which body part do we use for our sense of sight? a) ears b) mouth c) eyes d) nose 2) Which of the following is NOT a Science rule? a) Follow teacher's instructions. b) Do not eat. c) Tie back long hair. d) Run around the classroom. 3) Which body part is missing from this head? a) ears b) nose c) d) 4) Fill in the blank with the correct word. "I can run with my ___________." a) hands b) head c) legs d) ears 5) Fill in the blank with the correct word. "I can ____________ with my mouth." a) listen b) eat c) walk d) smell 6) Which part of the body is "Q"? a) knee b) leg c) ankle d) toes 7) Which part of the body is the arrow pointing to? a) arm b) shoulder c) chest d) head 8) What can we do with this body part? a) We can write. b) We can read. c) We can taste. d) We can sit. 9) Fill in the blank with the correct word. "I have _______ fingers." a) five b) ten c) two d) four 10) How many senses do we have? a) one b) four c) five d) six 11) What are our five senses? a) Sense of hearing, touching, chewing, playing and walking. b) Sense of eyes, ears, mouth, nose and hands. c) Sense of sight, hearing, eating, smell and touch.  d) Sense of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch. 12) Which body part is responsible for our sense of touch? a) Our eyes. b) Our ears. c) Our skin. d) Our hands only. 13) Fill in the blank with the correct word. "Our sense of _____________ helps us hear different loud and soft sounds." a) hearing b) sight c) ears d) listening 14) Fill in the blank with the correct word. "We can __________ chocolate with our tongues." a) taste b) smell c) hear d) see 15) Choose the correct sentence for the picture. a) We can taste flowers with our mouths. b) We can taste flowers with our noses.  c) We can smell flowers with our mouths. d) We can smell flowers with our noses. 16) Choose the correct sentence for the picture. a) We can hear the storm with our skin. b) We can touch the storm with our ears. c) We can hear the storm with our ears. d) We can touch the storm with our skin. 17) Which body part do we use to see colours? a) b) c) d) 18) Which word is most appropriate to describe the scent of lemons?  a) spicy b) sweet c) sour d) delicious 19) Which body part do we use to detect smells and different scents? a) Our mouths. b) Our noses. c) Our hands. d) Our ears. 20) Is he ready for Science lesson? a) Yes he is ready! b) No, because he is eating.

1D Science Review


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