Foosball - What tabletop game simulates soccer with spinning rods and miniature players, Myriad - A lot of stars filled the night sky, making it a beautiful sight, Divulge - When you reveal a secret or make something public, you..., Retract - To take back or withdraw a statement is to, Divert - What do you do to someone's attention when you distract them?, Detour - If you take an alternate route due to a road closure, you're on a..., Disavow - When you deny responsibility for something, you..., Bemuse - To puzzle, confuse, or bewilder someone is to, Capacious - A room that is able to hold much and is spacious is described as, Slipshod - If something is untidy, careless, and sloppy, it's described as..., Ornate - Something that is elaborately decorated is often described as..., Razed - When a building is completely destroyed, it has been..., Commodious - A roomy and spacious living area can be described as..., Complacent - If someone is self-satisfied and unconcerned, they are described as...,

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