During the ____, some people began to question the authority of the ____ Church. There were a lot of ____ of power such as simony and ____ that people were unhappy about. One of these people was a ____ monk named Martin ____. He is most famous for his actions that played a significant role in the ____. This was a period during the 16th century when a major ____ occurred in the Church that resulted in ____ division and wars in Europe. Martin felt that the Church was ____ about some of its teachings. He was very interested in ____ which means being saved from sin so that you can go to heaven. The Church said that to go to heaven you needed to ____ your sins to a priest, have faith and do good deeds. ____ said that all you need is faith and this belief is called ____ by faith alone. The Church said before you get to heaven your soul has to spend time in ____. Purgatory is like a spiritual waiting room where the ____ is cleansed of sin. The Pope said you can ____ the amount of time you have to spend in purgatory with an ____, which is a special certificate you can get for doing things like going on a pilgrimage. However, the Church also said you could ____ indulgences. In 1517, Pope ____ wanted to build a fancy church in Rome called St. Peter’s Basilica, which was to be designed by ____. He sent John ____ to Martin Luther’s town to sell indulgences to raise money. Luther thought that the ____ of indulgences was wrong and decided to ____. He wrote a big list of things the Church was wrong about called the ____ and nailed them to the door of the cathedral in ____. The Pope was furious and sent Luther an official letter called a ____ telling him to recant, which means to take back what he said. Luther refused and ____ the letter in public to show that he rejected the Pope’s demands. Next, the Pope told the German emperor ____ V to deal with Luther. Charles called a ____ (diet) of the German princes and Luther to discuss the issue in a town called Worms. This event is known as the ____. Martin continued to refuse to withdraw his statements so Charles V issued an order called the ____ of Worms that declared Martin Luther was an outlaw and was to be arrested for the crime of ____. This is an action that goes ____ the teaching of the Church. Some of the German ____ agreed with Martin Luther and one of them, ____ of Saxony, allowed Martin to hide out in his castle. While he was there he ____ the Bible into ____. Religious ____ broke out in Germany between supporters of Luther and supporters of the Pope. The war eventually ended with a ____ called the Peace of ____ which allowed each German prince to choose either ____ or Catholicism as the official religion of their region. This made the legal ____ of Christianity in Europe permanent. Martin Luther went on to ____ a former Catholic nun Katherine von Bora and they had six ____.

Martin Luther - life of a reformer

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