Property - what is being observed or measured, Unit - the standard way that a property is measured. Tells you how big or small something is, Thermometer - Property = temperature; units = C or F, Variable - A factor you want to change or control in an inestigation, Independent Variable - the variable to change because you want to test it (there should be only one), Dependent Variable - the variable to observe for effects caused by the change in the independent variable (can be more than one), Controlled Variable - the variables that are kept the same to keep each test consistent and fair across an investigation, Digital Scale - Property = mass / weight; Unit = grams, Mean - The average of a set of numbers, Incoming Light - The total amount of light coming from a light source, Reflected Light - The amount of light that bounces off the surface of an object, Transmitted Light - The amount of light that goes through an object, Kinetic Energy - How fast or slow the particles move,

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