screenshot - She sent me a ... of the messages where he told that I am beautiful., screen - I like working on a laptop because the .. is bigger than on the phone. , apps - There are ... for everything, from learning a language to booking cinema tickets., icon - Click on the ... to open the program., listen to - I use Spolify to ... music., download - You can .... our app on Appstore and use it for free., log in - What is the user name and password that you use to ...?, receive - You can sign up to... emails about discounts., look it up - If you don't know what the word means, .... in a dictionary., upload - When you use Instagram you ... your videos and photos there. Share your feelings and emotions with other people., get directions - If you get lost and there are no people around you can use GoogleMaps to ...., take - I want to ... a photo of Timati in real life., search - If I need information I always ... online., attechments - If you get an email from somebody you don't know, don't open any ...,


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