1) Lulu wanted to... a) stay at home and watch TV b) go to school and have a test c) stay at home and sleep all day d) stay at home and help her mom 2) She thought it's better to rest, than ... a) have English test b) have Math test c) have Biology test d) have History test 3) Who was Lulu talking with? a) With her Mom b) With her Grandma c) With her Dad d) With her Grandpa 4) Lulu said she had a... a) stomachache b) sore throat c) earache d) running nose 5) Mom said that... a) it's good and she should go to school b) it's good and she shouldn't go to school c) it's bad and she should go to school d) it's bad and she shouldn't go to school 6) Mom brings her... a) drinks b) food c) food and drinks d) Math book 7) Lulu thinks she... a) should lie b) shouldn't lie 8) What else did Mom give Lulu? a) some books to read b) some games to play c) some tests to solve d) some puzzles to complete 9) Who did Lulu's Mom call? a) Lulu's teacher b) Lulu's Dad c) Lulu's Doctor d) Lulu's friend 10) The Doctor said Lulu needs ... a) the biggest pill b) the biggest crutches c) the biggest bandage d) the biggest shot 11) After that Lulu felt ... a) worse b) better 12) Lulu put on her ... a) jeans and hoodie b) skirt and sweater c) pants and shoes d) shirt and shorts 13) Lulu went to ... a) school b) hospital c) swimming pool d) supermarket 14) What did Lulu learn that day? a) never eat cold food b) never eat too much sweets c) never lie her Mom d) never call the Doctor 15) Why did Lulu lie to her Mom? a) She didn't want to write the test b) She wanted to eat sweets at home c) She wanted to call the Doctor d) She wanted to make her Mom scared.

Lulu's sick day

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