1) Which one is one fourth ? a) b) c) d) 2) Which one is the correct answer? a) b) c) d) 3) Which one is the correct answer one third? a) b) c) d) 4) Which one is the correct answer? a) b) c) d) 5) Which watermelon is one half? a) b) c) d) 6) How many pieces of watermelon have been eaten? a) One fourth b) Two third c) Whole d) One half 7) How many pieces pizza left? a) One fourth b) Whole c) Two fourth d) Four fourth 8) The picture shows One third of lemon. a) Yes b) No 9) There is only One third of pizza left. a) Yes b) No 10) Which one is the correct answer a) Two one 2/1 b) Whole 2/2 c) One half 1/2 d) One fourth 1/4 11) Which one is the correct answer a) Four fifth 4/5 b) One fourth 1/4 c) Three fourth 3/4 d) Two fifth 2/5 12) Whole part of this circle is coloured. a) NO b) YES 13) One of fourth part is coloured. a) NO b) YES 14) Only Two of three parts is coloured. a) YES b) NO 15) Which one is the correct answer? a) Two fifth b) One fifth c) Four fifth d) Three fifth

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