1) What does CU mean in a message? a) See You b) Catch Up c) Close Up d) Cheer Up 2) Hey, I’m running late. ETA 15 min. BRB. a) Estimated Time of Arrival, Be Right Back b) Enjoying The Adventure, Be Ready to Bail c) Estimated Time of Arrival, Be Ready to Bail d) Enjoying The Adventure, Be Right Back 3) OMG, did you see the latest episode of Master Chef? It was fabulous! a) Oh My Goodness b) Oh My Grapes c) Out of My Gate d) Out of My Girl 4) I’m feeling under the weather today. I need some TLC. a) Tender Loving Care b) Too Late to Cancel c) Top Learning Care d) Too Late to Come 5) I’m sorry, I can’t talk right now. I’m in a meeting. TTYL. a) Try To Yell Louder b) Take Time Your Leisure c) Trust The Yellow Light d) Talk To You Later 6) IDK what to do for my homework. It’s due tomorrow. a) I Do Know b) I Don’t Know c) I Do Care d) I Don’t Care 7) IMO, pineapple does not belong on pizza. a) In My Opinion b) In My Office c) In My Order d) In My Oven 8) JK, I didn’t really eat your chocolate. It’s in the fridge. a) Just Kidding b) Just Knowing c) Just Kicking d) Just Knocking 9) NBD, I can finish the work by myself. You can take the day off. a) No Big Deal b) No Bad Day c) No bother Day d) No Better Day 10) NP, I’m happy to help you with your homework. a) No Pressure b) No Point c) No Place d) No Problem 11) OMW to the party. Save me some cake. a) On My Watch b) On My Word c) On My Way d) On My Wish 12) OTOH, I think cats are better than dogs. a) On The Other Home b) On The Other Hour c) On The Other Hand d) On The Other Hill 13) TMI, I don’t need to know the details of your surgery. a) Too Much Information b) Too Much Imagination c) Too Much Inspiration d) Too Much Irritation 14) xoxo, your sister. a) Extra Ordinary b) Hugs and Kisses c) Xylophone and Oboe d) Regards 15) YOLO, so I decided to quit my job and travel the world. a) You Only Love Once b) You Only Live Once c) You Only Laugh Once d) You Only Learn Once

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