morder - to bite, divertirse - to have fun, estamos atrapadas - we're trapped, buscar - to look for, aparece - appears, traer - to bring, mohosas - moldy, vomitar - to vomit, tiendas - stores, cerrada - closed, conducen - they drive, el béisbol - baseball, tener sed - to be thirsty, trabajar - to work, tomar - to take, marcar - to score, el rey - king, solo - alone, carro deportivo - sports car, además - anymore, manejar - to drive, bolsa - purse, una llamada - a call, abrir - to open, sueños - dreams, fantasma - ghost, partido - game, billete - ticket, vale - okay, lluvia - rain, llueve - it's raining, inundado - flooded, campo - field, conducir - to drive, autopista - highway, cerrado - closed, clausurado - shut down, conserje - custodian, ay caray - oh my goodness,

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