Abdomen - ABD, Before meals - a.c. or ac, At liberty (client can move around freely) - Ad lib, Twice a day - BID or b.i.d., Below the knee - BK, Blood pressure - BP, Catheter - cath, Complete blood count - CBC, complains of - c/o, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation - CPR, Culture and sensitivity - C & S, Chest x-ray - CXR, Do not resuscitate - DNR, Diagnosis - DX, Fasting blood sugar - FBS, Gastrointestinal - GI, Drop - gtt, Hemoglobin and hematocrit - H&H, Head of bed - HOB, Hour - hr, History - Hx, Intensive care unit - ICU, Input and output - I&O, Intravenous - IV, Left lower extremity - LLE, Last menstrual period - LMP, Level of consciousness - LOC, Left upper extremity - LUE, Myocardial infarction (heart attack) - MI, Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus - MRSA,

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