1) Я порізався, коли готував їжу. a) I cut himself while cooking. b) I cut yourselves while cooking. c) I cut ourselves while cooking. d) I cut myself while cooking. e) I cut yourself while cooking. f) I cut herself while cooking. 2) Вони сказали собі заспокоїтися та розслабитися. a) They told themselves to calm down and relax. b) They told ourselves to calm down and relax. c) They told itself to calm down and relax. d) They told yourself to calm down and relax. e) They told myself to calm down and relax. f) They told yourselves to calm down and relax. 3) Ми налаштували себе на гірше. a) We prepared herself for the worse. b) We prepared itself for the worse. c) We prepared himself for the worse. d) We prepared themselves for the worse. e) We prepared ourselves for the worse. f) We prepared myself for the worse. 4) Поводь себе добре! a) Behave itself! b) Behave himself! c) Behave ourselves! d) Behave herself! e) Behave yourselves! f) Behave yourself! 5) Дженіс приготувала великий обід сама. a) Janice cooked a big meal yourself. b) Janice cooked a big meal herself. c) Janice cooked a big meal themselves. d) Janice cooked a big meal yourselves. e) Janice cooked a big meal myself. f) Janice cooked a big meal ourselves. 6) Дженіс приготувала великий обід для себе. a) Janice cooked a big meal for himself. b) Janice cooked a big meal for themselves. c) Janice cooked a big meal for herself. d) Janice cooked a big meal for myself. e) Janice cooked a big meal for itself. f) Janice cooked a big meal for ourselves. 7) Я зробив домашнє завдання сам (самостійно). a) I did my homework (by) myself. b) I did my homework (by) yourself. c) I did my homework (by) himself. d) I did my homework (by) yourselves. e) I did my homework (by) herself. f) I did my homework (by) itself. 8) Собака сам не може відкрити ці двері. a) The dog ourselves can’t open this door. b) The dog itself can’t open this door. c) The dog themselves can’t open this door. d) The dog yourself can’t open this door. e) The dog myself can’t open this door. f) The dog yourselves can’t open this door.

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