brain - Main maniging organ of human body , heart - Hollow muscular organ that pumps bood through ou body , lungs - Main organ of respiratory system, responsible for breathing , small intestine - It absorbes water and nutrients from food back to the body. , Large intestine - Main functions are to absorb water and salts from the material that has not been digested as food, and get rid of any waste products left over., Liver - Removes toxins from body, secretes bile. , Bladder - Store urine. , Kidneys - Filters blood produces urine as waste product. , Male and female reproductive system - Produces sex cells, production of offsprings. , Appendix - Small sac organ in the end of large intestine , Pankreas - Produces enzymes that help to digest food, also particularly protein, produces insulin which helps to controll sugar in blood. ,

Organs of human body and their functions

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