Ingurumena - Lurrean bizitzeko ezinbesteko iturria izatearen ezaugarria da, bai gizakientzat, bai beste bizimoduentzat., Normalization - it is essential to sustain life on our planet and it is found in gaseous, liquid and solid states in different forms, Emigrazioa - Gizabanakoak edo organismo-taldeak leku batetik bestera mugitzea dakar, bizi-baldintza hobeak, elikadura, ugalketa edo aterpe bila., company - look for benefits through production, globalization - the increasing interconnection of markets, cultures and societies worldwide, driven by advances in technology, communication and transport., Akatsak - espero denaren eta benetan gertatzen denaren arteko desadostasuna adierazten du, Finantziazio aukerak - partikularrei edo enpresei euren proiektuetarako funtsak lortzeko aukera eskaintzen die, externalities - represent the positive or negative side effects that the actions of an individual or a company have on third parties, underdevelopment - is the socioeconomic situation in which certain countries or regions find themselves, characterized by low levels of per capita income, efficient - the ability to use resources optimally to achieve desired objectives, maximizing production or performance with the minimum possible resources.,



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