To save (v.) - To reduce consumption or use of something., To melt (v.) - When something solid, like ice, for example, turns into liquid., Flood (n.) - When land which is usually dry is suddenly covered in water., Drought (n.) - A period of time when it doesn't rain or snow, resulting in shortages of water., To waste (v.) - The opposite of save - not using all of a resource. , Greenhouse effect (n.) - When average temperatures rise as a result of invisible gases in the atmosphere trapping the heat of the sun., To recycle (v.) - To reuse something, e.g. glass or metal., Oil spill (n.) - When a large quantity of fuel leaks, usually from a ship in the sea., Pollution (n.) - Damaging or poisoning something, e.g. water, air or the ground., Ozone layer (n.) - A layer in the atmosphere which protects us from harmful solar radiation, but which can be damaged by human pollution., Fallout (n.) - The radioactive contamination caused by a nuclear accident., Climate change (n.) - When the world's weather changes e.g., global warming.,

Environmental vocabulary quiz: match the words to their definitions.

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