What _____ (you/do) if you _____(find) a lot of money near your house?, Who ______(you/choose) if you ______ (date) with a celebrity?, If you ______(can) make one wish come true, what _______(it/be)?, If you _____ (can) listen to only one song for the rest of your life, what song _____ (you/choose)?, If you _____ (be) an English teacher for a week, what ____ (you/do)?, What _____ (you/do) if you _____(send) your private photo to a wrong person?, What ____ (you/do) if your boyfriend/girlfriend ______ (prepare) dinner and it _____ (not/be) tasty at all?, If you ______ (travel) back in time, what ______(you/do) in the past?, If you _____ (get) a tattoo with an orthographic mistake in it, what ____ (you/do)?, What _____ (you/do) if your boyfriend/girlfriend ____ (propose) to marry him/her, but you ____ (not/want) to do it?, What ____ (you/do) if you ____(become) a person of an opposite gender for one day?, If you _____ (not/fit) in (влезть в) your last year clothes, what _____ (you/do)?, What _____ (you/do) if you ____ (get) lost in another city and your phone’s battery ____ (be) dead (разрядился)?, If ____ (you/have) a chance to choose any superpower, what ____ (it/be)?, What _____ (you/do) if your jeans_______ (get) ripped (порвались) at the back in front of everyone at work?, If you _____ (get) an offer of a good job in China, ______ (you/accept) it ? (принять предложение), If your boyfriend/girlfriend ______ (cheat on) you, what ______(you/do) ?, What ______ (you/print) if you ______ (have) a 3D printer?, What _____ (you/do) if nobody ____ (congratulate) you on your birthday?.

2nd Conditional

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