1) She is my friend and _______ name is Susana. a) her b) his c) your d) she e) our f) their 2) What's Juan and Luisa's favorite color? a) My favorite color is blue. b) They favorite color is pink.  c) His favorite color is yellow. d) Our favorite color is black. e) Their favorite color is red. f) Its favorite color is white. 3) No, it isn't. That umbrella is not _____ a) their b) I c) your d) my e) its f) mine 4) ______ laptop is very big. (HE) a) Your b) Its c) His d) My e) He f) Our 5) Those shoes are not ______ (WE) a) Her b) Our c) His d) We e) Ours f) Your 6) This is Daniel and ________ mother. ________ name is Vivian.  a) My - Your b) Your - Our c) His-She d) His-Her e) His - Your f) His-The 7) It's not polite to take things that are not ______ without permission  a) yours b) my c) your d) you e) She f) Her 8) ________ sister is 12 years old.  a) Luis b) Luis's c) Luis' d) Luis'ss 9) _________ phone is new.  a) My friend's b) My friends's c) I friend d) Mine friend's 10) This is ______ dog (WE). ________ name is Max.  a) our-its b) mine-its c) our-his d) our-he e) my-its 11) Excuse me, are these ______ gloves? - Yes! those are _______. Thank you! a) your-my b) your- mine c) you-mine d) mine-your

Possessive Adjectives & Possessive Pronouns modification


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