Massage therapy - What is the manual manipulation of the soft tissues of the body?, 3000 BC - Written records of massage go back as early as________., Nei Chang - What is the original Chinese massage technique?, China - In what country did the first written accounts of Massage originate?, Hippocrates of Cos - Who is the father of modern Western medicine?, Amma - What is the classic scripture of traditional Chinese medicine?, Pehr Henrik Ling - Who is regarded as the father of Swedish massage?, 1958 - When did the first organization use massage and therapy in its name?, Ayuveda books of wisdom - What is the name of India's first great medical works?, Johann Mezger - Whose efforts led to the use of French terminology to describe massage techniques?, Cannon of Medicine - The most famous book in the history of medicine in both the East and the West., Swedish Movement Cure - Ling's system of massage and exercises or gymnastics.,


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