You are a teacher, - aren't you?, She is beautiful, - isn't she?, He speaks German, - doesn't he?, You can swim fast, - can't you?, You have done your homework, - haven't you?, The weather is nice, - isn't it?, I am thin, - aren't I?, They run every day, - don't they?, You couldn't wait, - could you?, You are not my boyfriend, - are you?, Let's go to the movies - shall we?, They shouldn't go to the disco - should they?, Sarah can play basketball - can't she?, she would watch TV - wouldn't she?, She hasn't eaten a pizza - has she?, They had gone to the park - hadn't they?, They don't have 3 kids, - do they?, I love pizza - don't I?, My parents might not watch TV - Might they?, Pizza isn't that great - is it?,

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