1) We have finished the housework. a) The housework has been finished by us. b) The housework have been finished by us. c) The housework has finished. 2) Frank built a house. a) A house built Frank. b) A house was built by Frank. c) A house was build by Frank. 3) Frank builds a house. a) A house builds Frank. b) A house is build by Frank. c) A house is built by Frank. 4) They have opened a new shop. a) A new shop has opened. b) A new shop have been opened. c) A new shop has been opened. 5) She bought four apples. a) Four apples was bought. b) Four apples were been bought. c) Four apples were bought. 6) Mr Jones watches films. a) Films were watched. b) Films is watched. c) Films are watched. 7) Rick has interviewed the lady. a) The lady has been interviewed. b) The lady has interviewed. c) The lady have been interviewed. 8) We won the match. a) The match was won. b) The match won. c) The match were won. 9) The people speak English. a) English is spoken. b) English speak. c) English was spoken. 10) I have bought the tickets. a) The tickets has been bought. b) The tickets have been bought. c) The tickets have bought. 11) The man stole the blue car. a) The blue car were stolen. b) The blue car was stole. c) The blue car was stolen. 12) He reads comics. a) Comics were read. b) Comics are read. c) Comics read. 13) We have not sold the bike. a) The bike has been sold. b) The bike has not been sold. c) The bike have not been sold. 14) The police arrested the thieves. a) The thieves was arrested. b) The thieves were been arrested. c) The thieves were arrested.


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