1) Has an ATM ever "eaten" your bank card? If so, how did you get it back? 2) Have you, or anyone you know, ever won a lot of money? 3) How much do you spend on food and drink every week? 4) Is your country expensive to live in right now? What kinds of things are expensive? 5) Have you ever bought something and then regretted it? 6) How much money have you spent so far today? What did you spend it on? 7) What kind of things do you normally buy online? Why don't you buy them in a store? 8) Have you ever taken out a loan from the bank? Why? 9) Have you bought anything nice this week? 10) Have you ever inherited money or property, or something more unusual? 11) What do you spend your money on aside from food, rent, etc.? 12) Have you, or anyone you know, ever had money stolen? If so, what happened?  13) What do you think of a mortgage? Is it a good idea?


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