Slept 9 hours, Asked someone for help when I needed it, Spent time with people I love, Wore a mask (correctly) out in public, Completed an assignment on time, Brushed my teeth in the morning and at night, Ate food that makes me happy, Cleaned my space, Finished something I have been procrastinating, Spent time outside, Exercised (does NOT have to be intense, can be a walk), Spent time on a hobby I love, Put all my screens away for an hour or more, Called, texted, or facetimed a friend, Did something kind for someone else, Drank lots of water, Was honest with someone about my feelings, Positive self- affirmations (saying kind words to yourself), Read something for fun, Washed my hands regularly, Used a mindfulness strategy (deep breathing, counting, etc), Went to office hours, Make a list of responsibilities and cross one off, Learn something new.


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