booking - "We should look at ________ a holiday soon! Flights are getting expensive", chance - "We´re going to go on a safari on Thursday! I´ve heard that there´s a ______ we will see lions", chill out - "On Wednesday we´re going to the beach. That is the day we can _________", destination - "Where did you want to go? I was thinking Thailand would be a great __________", excursion - "I´ve heard that white water rafting makes for a great __________", go sightseeing - "I´ve always wanted to go __________ in Paris! I want to see the Eiffel Tower", head home - "I can´t wait to __________ after tonight. I´m exhausted!", head to - "Now we´re going to _________ the British Museum!", heritage - "Mayan _________ is full of interesting symbols! The culture is 500 years old", scenery - "If you look out the window on your right you´ll see some gorgeous _________", set off - "We´re planning to __________ from London Airport at 8 in the morning", sign up - "Don´t be afraid to ________ for bungee jumping! It´s not that scary", take part - "Make sure to ___________ in all the activities on offer!", wildlife - "The __________ of South Africa is famous around the world. Lions...giraffes...",


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