1301 - 1342 - Reign of Charles I, 1342 - 1382 - Reign of Louis the Great, 1387 - 1437 - Reign of Sigismund, 1396 - Battle of Nicopolis, 1443 - 44 - Duration of the Long Campaign, János Hunyadi - Hungarian general of the Long Campaign, Law of entailment, principle of unified nobility - Louis' reneval of the Golden Bull, Banderia - New military unit under Charles, Telekkatonaság - New military unit under Sigismund, Synod of Konstanz (1814 - 18) - Execution of Jan Huss, Budai Nagy Antal - Peasant revolt leader in 1437, Summit of Visegrád (1335) - Established Louis' personal union with Poland, Ladislas V. - Son of Albert of Hapsburg, Order of the Dragon (funded in 1408) - An order with the goal to weaken the powers of Hungarian Barons, Placetum regium, Ius supremi patronatus - Special rights of Sigismund,

Történelem Szorgalmi - Bóta Barnabás


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