1) I discovered the electron. a) JJ Thompson b) Ernest Rutherford c) Robert Millikan d) Marie Curie 2) I discovered radioactivity. a) JJ Thompson b) Henri Becquerel c) Wilhelm Rontgen d) Ernest Rutherford 3) I discovered x-rays. a) Marie Curie b) Robert Millikan c) Henri Becquerel d) Wilhelm Rontgen 4) We were the first to experimentally verify E = mc 2 when we bombarded lithium with protons. a) Marie and Pierre Curie b) Irene and Frederic Joliot-Curie c) Cockroft and Walton d) Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden 5) I measured the charge of the electron using my oil-drop experiment. a) JJ Thompson b) GJ Stoney c) Robert Millikan d) Ernest Rutherford 6) I showed that the atom consists of a small, dense, positively charged nucleus with my gold-foil experiment. a) Enrico Fermi b) Wolfgang Pauli c) Ernest Rutherford d) Albert Einstein 7) I carried out the first artificial transmutation of a nucleus by bombarding Nitrogen with alpha particles. a) Wolfgang Pauli b) Ernest Rutherford c) Enrico Fermi d) GJ Stoney 8) I named the electron. a) JJ Thompson b) Peter Higgs c) GJ Stoney d) Lise Meitner 9) I proposed the existence of the neutrino. a) Enrico Fermi b) Wolfgang Pauli c) Hans Geiger d) Ernest Marsdon 10) I discovered the positron. a) Peter Higgs b) Stephen Hawking c) Wolfgang Pauli d) Carl David Anderson 11) I predicted the existence of the positron. a) Paul Dirac b) Carl David Anderson c) Wolfgang Pauli d) Enrico Fermi 12) I was the creator of the worlds first nuclear reactor and the first controlled nuclear fission reaction. a) Enrico Fermi b) Lise Meitner c) Fritz Strassman d) Otto Hahn 13) We discovered nuclear fission. a) Cockroft and Walton b) Lise Meitner, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman c) Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden d) Marie and Pierre Curie 14) We discovered radium and polonium. a) Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden b) Marie and Pierre Curie c) Cockroft and Walton d) Cowan and Reines 15) I proposed the existence of the Higgs Boson. a) Albert Einstein b) Paul Dirac c) Peter Higgs d) Stephen Hawking 16) I explained the photoelectric effect and won a Nobel Prize for my work on it. a) Wilhelm Rontgen b) Albert Einstein c) Niels Bohr d) Marie Curie 17) I proposed the model of the atom where the electrons are in defined orbits around the nucleus. a) JJ Thompson b) Niels Bohr c) John Dalton d) Werner Heisenberg 18) We discovered the neutrino. a) Gell-Mann and Zweig b) Cowan and Reines c) Cockroft and Walton d) Irene and Frederic Joliot-Curie 19) We discovered artificial radioactive isotopes. a) Marie and Pierre Curie b) Cockroft and Walton c) Geiger and Marsden d) Irene and Frederic Joliot-Curie 20) We proposed the existence of quarks. a) Rutherford, Geiger and Marsden b) Cowan and Reines c) Gell-Mann and Zweig d) Cockroft and Walton


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