1) What is Chef Tony's World Famous Recipe a) Spaghetti and Meat Balls b) Zen Spaghetti c) Potato Salad d) Spagetti e) Pizza f) Chicken 2) What will happen when you taste Chef Ton's Spaghetti a) You will laugh b) You will cry c) You will be full d) You will shout e) You will be mad f) You will have a party 3) Chef Tony's food was judged a) The World's Most Famous Spaghetti b) 3rd Place c) Pizza Pizza d) Hot Dogs e) The Greatest Pancakes Ever f) Mickey D's 4) Why did'nt Chef Tony read in Cooking School a) He needed glasses b) It was to loud to read c) He thought he was cool d) He did not have anything to read e) He was too hungry f) He was scared 5) Chef Tony's friend told him "When you love to read school is ...." ? a) like a box of chocolates b) fun c) hard d) boring e) school f) an adventure 6) When Chef Tony did not read what kind of grades did he make a) C's  b) D's c) A's & B's d) B's & C's e) C's & D's f) D's & E's 7) When Chef Tony started loving to read what kind of grades did he make a) C's b) D's c) A's & B's d) B's & C's e) C's & D's f) D's & E's 8) When school was boring Chef Tony was a) going to get a job b) going to drop out c) going to California d) going to order a pizza e) going to the library f) going to class

Jump Into Spaghetti



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