1) Why are your T-shirts and jeans on the floor? Please ... . a) put your clothes away b) sweep the floor c) vacuum the carpet 2) Can you take the dirty dishes and ... , please? a) dry them b) unload the dishwasher c) load the dishwasher 3) My mum usually ... - I ... and put them away in the cupboard. a) wash the dishes, dries b) washes the dishes, dry c) washes the dishes, dries 4) Dinner is nearly ready. Please ... . a) load the dishwasher b) sweep the floor c) lay the table 5) I ... every morning because it's really comfortable when I go to sleep. a) clear the table b) make my bed c) tidy my room 6) We have so much rubbish in our house we ... every evening. a) empty the bin b) unload the dishwasher c) do the laundry 7) Have you finished dinner? Then ... because you need to do homework. a) clear the table b) lay the table c) make the bed 8) You are allowed to have your friends round but ... first. There are books and clothes all over the floor. a) mow the lawn b) do the ironing c) tidy your room

household chores - vocab practice


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