Should the government punish those who write graffiti? , Have you ever seen graffiti conveying a message? What type of message was it? , If you were going to graffiti something, what would you draw? What would you write?, Are there many homeless people in Huelva?, Have you ever experienced discrimination? Or witnessed it?, What do you think is the most serious problem in the world today? , Why are some countries poor?, How can rich countries help poor countries?, Do you think you have an unusual personality? Why?, What are three things that motivate you?, Do you think life is more stressful today than it was 50 years ago?, Can you give some examples of how our mind and body are connected?, Do you enjoy discussions about politics with people who have different opinions?, What are some things that can cause stress?, What are some ways to deal with stress?, Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job?, If you could own your own business, what would it be?, If you could change any aspect of your personality, what would it be? , Is being single less stressful than married life?, Would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery?, Would you consider donating your organs after you die?, Would you like a job where you travelled a lot?, What are the qualities a good boss should have? , Would you rather employ someone with more education or more experience?, What job could you never do?, What are some jobs that you think are boring? What ones do you think are fun?.

Trinity 8 society/personal standards/work


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