1) A family of wolves is called a ... a) pack b) mob c) cub 2) A baby wolf is called a ... a) wig b) mob c) cub 3) A family of kangaroos is called a ... a) pack b) count c) mob 4) Sun bears live in ... a) playgrounds b) forests c) libraries 5) Sun bears have got long ... a) tongues b) tails c) ears 6) ... are from Egypt. a) Kangaroos b) Camels c) Pandas 7) Pandas are from ... a) Russia b) Australia c) China 8) Wolves are 100 ... long. a) centimeters b) kilometers 9) Wolves can run at 65 ... per hour. a) centimeters b) kilometers 10) Wolves have got forty-two ... a) ears b) feet c) teeth 11) Kangaroos have got ... teeth. a) thirteen b) thirty c) thirty-two 12) Wolves eat ... and fish. a) plants b) burgers c) birds 13) Sun bear ... climb trees. a) can b) can't

Unit 1.8 - Unit review


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