Where did you go to kindergarten / elementary school / high school / college or university?, What is the age that children begin school in your country?, How old are students when they graduate in your country?, What do you remember about your teachers?, What teacher impressed you the most?, Do you still stay in touch with your teachers, Did you have any teachers you didn't like?, Did you make friends in high school that you still keep in touch with?, What subjects were you good at? What subjects were you bad at?, Did you study a foreign language in school? Was it taught well?, Did you attend a private school? Do private schools offer higher quality education or are they just prestigious?, Was it harder to study in college than in high school?, Does your country provide a good public school system?, Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do you think there is a lack of funding for education in your country?, What realistic changes would you make to your country's attitude toward education?, What are the skills that separate good students from bad students?, Do you think teachers are paid enough? Do you think teachers are well educated?, Is it difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs where you live?, Do parents home-school their children in your country?, Once you graduate from a university should you stop learning?, Do teachers sometimes teach things that are not important?, What does your education mean to you?, Should people go straight from school to university, or do something different?, Should education be free?, What are some ways a person can continue to learn?.

ATIN1 - Session 15 - Talking about Education


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