1) She is a farmer. a) She treats sick people. b) He works with people's money. c) She grows vegetables. d) She makes bread and cake. 2) She is a doctor. a) She works in a laboratory. b) She treats sick people. c) She grows vegetables. d) She makes bread and cake. 3) She is an engineer. a) He works with people's money. b) She designs machines. c) He designs houses. d) She serves food. 4) She is a scientist. a) She serves food. b) He puts out fire. c) He cooks great food. d) She works in a laboratory. 5) She is a waitress. a) She treats sick people. b) She serves food. c) He investigates crimes. d) She grows vegetables. 6) He is an architect. a) He plays music at dance parties. b) He designs houses. c) She works in a laboratory. d) She designs machines. 7) She is a baker. a) She makes bread and cake. b) He plays music at dance parties. c) She serves food. d) He investigates crimes. 8) He is a banker. a) He investigates crimes. b) He plays music at dance parties. c) She serves food. d) He works with people's money. 9) He is a cook. a) She designs machines. b) He puts out fire. c) She makes bread and cake. d) He cooks great food. 10) He is a detective. a) She serves food. b) He works with people's money. c) He cooks great food. d) He investigates crimes. 11) He is a firefighter. a) She serves food. b) He investigates crimes. c) He puts out fire. d) She designs machines. 12) He is a DJ. a) He plays music at dance parties. b) He cooks great food. c) He designs houses. d) He works with people's money.

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