1) How do you say "Jag har en katt" in English? 2) Spell the word " ..." in English 3) Plingplong! Name four countries were they speak English as a first language. 4) Continue the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8.... 5) What does "hungry" mean in Swedish? 6) How do you say "Jag har gula byxor" in English? 7) Plingplong! Name 4 words that starts with a "b". 8) Spell the word "..." in English 9) What do they call the money/currency in USA? 10) How do you say "Jag behöver hjälp"in English? 11) What is the capital of USA? 12) Which city is also called "The big apple"? 13) Name three words that starts with "K". 14) What is two times ten? 15) What does "vegetables" mean in Swedish? 16) Name three colours. 17) How do you say "Tyskland" in English? 18) Translate "Jag har läxa" to English. 19) Plingplong! What is 72 divided by 8? 20) How do you spell "..."? 21) What is the present form of the verb "be"? 22) What is the name of the president in USA? 23) What is the name of the dish "varmkorv" in English? 24) Name 4 animals. 25) Name 4 things you can see around you in the calssroom. 26) Plingplong! Name the Prime Minister of the UK? 27) Name 4 sports in English. 28) What does "I am the winner" mean in Swedish? 29) What do grandmother/grandfather mean in English? 30) Name 4 clothes.

Plingplong Engelska


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