What is she doing? - She is singing in the shower., His hands are _________. - dirty, What are they? - They're headphones., What time is it? - It's a quarter to eight., What does she do? - She's a flight attendant., Where is she from? - She's from France., What are they doing? - They're cooking and dancing., Say the opposite of weak. - Strong., What does he do? - He's a soldier., What is she doing? Where? - She's running on the beach., What time is it? - It's half past twelve., They _____ (be) at school yesterday. - They were at school yesterday., The box is _________. - Empty., How's the weather? - It's cloudy., I love __________ food. - Japanese., Say the date. - The third of June., I'm Molly. They are my ________. - Grandparents., Order the sentence: coffee - in the morning - have - never - I - I never have coffee in the morning., Snails are ___________. - Slow., What season is it? - It's spring., I _____ (be) at home yesterday. - I was at home yesterday., Say a sentence using love / like/ not like / hate / not mindt mind. - He doesn't mind having lunch at work, Say the date. - The twenty-second of November., Order the sentence: always - she - happy - is - She is always happy., They _____ (not be) at home last night. - They weren't at home last night., Say a sentence using love / like/ not like / hate / not mind. - She hates doing housework., How are they feeling? - Happy - sad - worried - angry, etc.,

J - Vocabulary - English File Elementary Units 1A-7A



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