awash (adj.) - covered or flooded, usually with water, murmur (v.) - say something in a low or indistinct voice, plucky (adj.) - brave, loom (v.) - appear large, often scary or imposing, screech (v.) - to make a loud, high noise, flutter (v.) - fly unsteadily, ingest (v.) - eat or drink, sachet (n.) - a small sealed bag, a packet, flag (v.) - to become weaker, tingle (v.) - experience a slight prickling or stinging sensation, unravel (v.) - make known or understood, encased (adj.) - covered or surrounded by sth. completely, relish (n.) - enjoyment / sauce adding flavour to food, stagger (v.) - walk as if you are going to fall,

Advanced vocabulary - News and Views Unit 24


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